ceacer 2 已发布 2月6号 分享 已发布 2月6号 软件标签: 视频监控 Zebra Media Surveillance System是一款视频监控和动作捕捉软件。其直观、准确、及时和信息内容丰富而广泛应用于许多场合。内容说明:視頻監控和動作捕捉軟體。支援無限制的IP攝像頭和USB攝像頭,偵測動作,支援聲音、短信、彩信和電子郵件提醒,各區域的監控敏感度可以獨立設置,支援視頻自動或手動存檔,視頻可添加文字、時間戳或者水印。英文說明:Video surveillance and motion capture system. Some keyfeatures are: unlimited cameras (including IP and USBcameras), motion detection, SMS and MMS and Email alerts,play sound file (useful on motion detection), adjustablesensitivity for each zone, record on detection, savevideo into archive or file with automatically or manuallyselected compression, record on schedule, registration ofall events continuously by intervals or on motiondetected, password protection, adding a text, timestamps, watermarks to your video. For each video frame,if motion is detected, the Alarm event occurs, thatreturns a global motion ratio, depending of the number ofcells in which motion has been detected, and the level ofmotion in each cell. A sensitivity grid is applied onvideo frames. You can adjust the sensitivity of thedetection, and mask out areas of the camera view to avoidfalse alarms. When the camera captures video frames in adark environment, it is possible that the electricalbackground noise of the CCD video cell creates fakemotion detection events.It is possible to reduce the sensitivity of to the videonoise by enabling the Reduce Video Noise option. When analarm condition is detected, the program can sound anaudible alarm, or send you an email with a photo.Automatically capture photos, or record video incompressed files.Zebra-Media Surveillance System includes an advancedplayer that allows to play video clips, capture videoframes and perform frame overlay. Each camera has its ownindividual monitoring and recording settings. Allsettings, such as alerts, photos, and video recordingscan be turned on and off using the built-in scheduler.All monitoring and alert events are logged with date andtime stamps. Each camera has its own scheduled on(off)times. Building upon the interface options introduced inMS outlook, scheduler includes event recurrence controland customizable Date Navigator. access to all data isprovided through a well encrypted password. 下载地址: https://cdn.chenair.com/d/down/zebra_media_surveillance_system.zip 评论链接 在其他网站上分享 更多分享选项...